Past notice
Archive report of meeting

Thursday 23rd January 2020
brain sex stereotype
Take a scientific journey into sex

differences within the brain and discover

how it is possible to use physiology to

improve relationships

Increasing numbers of hypnotherapists now understand how social expectations about gender roles can influence a child’s brain from birth – or earlier – and through into adulthood.

The most obvious features are infants clothes colour or the nursery decorations. Inevitably the familiar “blue for a boy and pink for a girl” being the first examples that spring to mind.

Often this mindset is accompanied by deeply entrenched beliefs that boys and girls, men and women, have intrinsically different skills and perform various tasks differently.


Rachel Langford

Rachel Langford MSc.Med, MBPsS

lectures for private groups, conferences, online workshops – and anyone who wants to learn about the brain.
Some of the topics she discusses are: Stress related physical and neural disorders and therapy, ADHD non-Ritalin therapy via brain-wave and oxygen patterns analysis, consciousness and awareness, brain and romantic relationships and more.
Her first book 'Wanted: a knight in shining Armour' was published (in Hebrew) in 2009 covering interviews and studies in the field of neuroscience and romantic relationships. Interviews pre
sented are personal stories of people searching for love in different ways. The book offers an insight to relationships and emotions from a scientific aspect.
More about Rachel’s activities on her website


In recent years these myths about sex differences and theories on “Male brains” and “Female brains” have been challenged by neurologists and psychologists – although there is an acceptance of differences in behaviour.

All of which brings us to be topic of the society’s first talk of the new decade with the welcome return of neuroscientist Rachel Langford and her talk on brain sex stereotypes and hormonal types at our meeting in January 2020.

Many members recalled the enthusiastic reception Rachel received at her previous presentation almost a year earlier on treating ADHD without medication. (

Setting out the main areas to be covered by this month’s talk she explained that by combining neuroscience, anthropology and hormonal effects on brain development a new, fascinating field of research had emerged.

During her presentation Rachel also explained how hormones to which we are exposed to during pregnancy, shape our personality, our brain and the way we perceive the world around us.
The talk went on to introduce the audience to the biological side of our personality and what that has to do with our eye movements and the length of our fingers.

There was also an opportunity to test our hormonal side of our personality and learn how tit affects the way we choose and search for love … go on dates … or experience a breakup.

In short, those lucky enough to attend the January meeting had an opportunity to understand new sides of themselves that Rachel Langford claims can help improve communication in romantic and familial relationships.

On top of all that the talk looked at whether gender influences brain structure and function, whether there are tasks men can perform better than women and vice versa, as well as which gender has the larger brain.